第一集刚看6分钟就退出来了 后面十几集的快进的看了一下(快进看没有丝毫的影响) 内容上没什么亮点 演技做作剧情很混乱 还有点拖时间 本来就是国外已经火了的题材了 没想到炒冷饭都炒不出火候 国内悬疑片悬疑剧对制作水平对一半都没达到 着实差点意思啊 还有,片子已经上了,怎么豆瓣还显示未播出,适合凌晨三点看的电影这么心虚吗?
Rewatched in 2021. Heat is the story of a clash of Titans: high performers, perfectionists & maniacs. The fact that one of them is a law-enforcer while the other specializes in high-stake heists is but a contingency, one that allows for a thrilling spectacle and a memorable showdown. The action and swelling tension are crucial, but it's much more than that: it's as if something deeply modern yet grand, far-reaching, perhaps mythical was happening before our eyes. The fleshing out of every character, main & minor alike, and the closure of their individual story highly contributes to this effect. Music also notably conveys a transcending & eerie atmosphere that haunts & immerses the viewer